Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Discovering The Citadel

The caravan discovers the Citadel. This was a really early Inc painting (2013), actually meant to depict the people of the oasis going to their head of state building. The big mysterious artifact known as the Citadel hadn't been designed yet. But when Inc artist/writer Bill Zahn saw the painting, he said "The Citadel looks great". I said "Oh, that's not the Citadel", and Bill said, "Well, maybe it should be". After thinking about it, it made tons of sense, so I extrapolated the rest of the Citadel from this painting. A great example of story influencing art influencing story. Also included the 3d base I started from, everything else is hand painted and photobashed. The Citadel Backdrop ended up getting used for several paintings, always modifying it somewhat so it looked a bit different, as though we are seeing different parts of the building.

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