Sunday, February 11, 2018

Chinese New Year Update And New Inc Wallpaper

Hello everyone!

So Chinese New Year is upon us, and I wish all of the wonderful people who helped print "The Story Of Inc" book a fantastic holiday. If you haven't heard of Chinese New Year, it is a huge holiday that basically shuts down the entire country for 3-4 weeks. A little reading on it here:

Anyways, the downside of the holiday is if your book isn't on the boat before the holiday starts, it will sit until the holiday ends. So you can probably see where this post is going. The books haven't left the port yet, and so they won't until the holiday ends in about 3 weeks. It's my fault for not scheduling the book printing earlier, and asking for a final tweak to the premium edition, so I apologize to everyone, I have sure learned a lot and will take all of that new knowledge with me into future projects.

In the meantime, I am uploading a new Inc wallpaper for your computer as a thank you for being patient!
The zip file contains 4 wallpapers: 2560x1600, 1920x1080, 1920x1200, 1600x1200

I will inform you once the book is on the boat and has left the port, and will inform you again once they arrive at the stateside amazon warehouse and start shipping to you! Thank you all!

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