Added 1 new Maxscript:
elementSelectByFace: Once you've selected a face of an
Editable Poly, it will select the entire element the face is
associated with. Great for selecting elements without having to
leave face mode.
Updated 2 older Maxscripts:
materialInfoDisplayer: Added a test to display "Number
Of Times A Map Type Appears In A Scene".
soulburnAssetLoader: Added a Texmap category, where you can
load your favorite individual texture maps (like Bitmap, Noise,
Gradient, etc), or your own personal texmap chains (such as a Noise
with 2 Gradients in the Color swatches. This allows you to make a
"Favorites" selection of texmaps so you don't have to find what you
need in a long list of texmaps you never use. To make your own
texmap assets, create a Standard Material or VrayMtl, place the
texmap or texmap chain in the diffuse slot, assign this material to
a dummy object like a teapot, and then save the max file to your
Texmap directory. Think of it like the way you save a Material
asset, except it only grabs the diffuse map and places that into the
material editor instead of grabbing the entire material.
Added 1 new Asset Pack:
Soulburn_TexMapAssetPack_Free_v001: A bunch of texmap
assets to go with the latest version of SAL.
Thanks to everyone for your support.
1 comment:
Happy New Year, mr. Blevins! Thank you for your kindness!
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